Terwilliger Dental Membership Plan
No insurance? No problem!
With our annual dental membership plan, you will receive free cleanings, exams, and x-rays, along with 20% off of additional dental services, including:
- Dental crowns
- Fillings & root canals
- Dentures
- Implants
- & more!
Also enjoy:
- No co-pays
- No annual max. limit
- No claim forms
- No pre approvals
- No claim denials

$399 annually
- 2 check-Up exams
- 2 Adult Prophylaxis cleanings
- Annual x-rays (4 bitewing and 2 periapical x-rays)
- Panoramic X-ray (every 3-5 years) as needed
- Plus a 20% discount on all additional dental treatment
Our Services

Preventative Dental Care
As a family dentist in SW Portland, Dr. Hoang knows it's important for every patient to enjoy a healthy, great looking smile that leaves them feeling confident and happy with the way they look.
Your oral health matters to far more than just your teeth and gums. Numerous studies have shown that individuals that suffer from tooth decay, gum disease, and tooth loss have a significantly higher risk for developing a range of chronic illnesses that include heart disease, stroke, diabetes, dementia, and cancer.
Researchers continue to explore this mouth/body connection and one thing has become perfectly clear - your oral health matters. Fortunately, every patient can work to improve the health of their teeth and gums with three regular activities.
Brushing works to remove plaque - a sticky biofilm that clings to tooth enamel - from the surface of our teeth and along the gum line. When allowed to build up on your teeth, plaque produces harmful substances that slowly erode away at enamel. Given time, plaque will cause the development of tooth decay and gum disease.
Flossing helps to clean to areas around your teeth and mouth that a toothbrush cannot reach - between our teeth and below the gum line. We find that decay often begins in these hidden areas, so include regular flossing to maintain healthy teeth and gums.
Regular dental exams with Dr. Hoang allows for early detection of tooth decay while it's easily treatable. Regular cleanings provided by our dental hygienist allow for the removal of plaque deposits that could contribute to the development of dental decay and gum disease.
Take these three simple steps to significantly lower your risk for dental disease and the chronic health conditions frequently associated with poor oral health.
Dental Sealants
Dental sealants work to effectively seal hard to clean areas of the mouth through the application of an incredibly thin resin directly to the surface of a patient's teeth.
Certain areas of the mouth, such as the back molars, contain crevices that can be problematic to clean, especially for younger kids who don't yet possess the manual dexterity or attention to detail to properly care for their oral health.
During just one 10 minute session, Dr. Hoang can gently brush the resin onto a patient's teeth. With the application of a dental sealant, these problem areas are sealed and protected from the effects of plaque and decay.
Dental sealants are quick and easy to apply, don't interfere with a child's ability to eat or speak, and offer lasting protection to ensure they enjoy a healthy smile for a lifetime.

Custom Mouthguard
Kids who participate in sports need to have their teeth protected by wearing a mouthguard. While some mouthguards are available at retail outlets, Terwilliger Dental can make your children custom mouthguards which provide a number of significant advantages.
Compared to a store bought alternative, a custom mouthguard provides better fit for additional comfort and extra support. In addition to protecting teeth, studies have found evidence that athletes who wear a mouthguard experience a reduction in the force that occurs from hits to the neck and head during contact, thereby lowering the risk of concussion.
Contact our office to schedule a fitting for a custom-made mouthguard today.
Cosmetic Dental Care
Dental Veneers
Made from thin and highly durable porcelain, dental veneers replicate the natural appearance of teeth while providing the resilience and strength of natural enamel. Patients who need repairs to chipped teeth or want to brighten discolored teeth may want to consider veneers. Porcelain veneers are often used to close gaps between teeth, to change the shape of teeth, and are an effective way to change the color and improve the overall appearance of your teeth.
Unlike a dental bridge or dentures, once Dr. Hoang places a veneer on to a patient's tooth, it can't be removed. As part of the placement process, Dr. Hoang will remove a small part a patient's natural tooth enamel so that the veneers can fit comfortably on the tooth. Once in position, the veneers are affixed in their position permanently, creating a brighter and more attractive smile for the patient.

Dental Bonding
Dental bonding is another option that offers an durable and cost-effective solution for repairing chipped, cracked, or discolored teeth. While not as durable as porcelain veneers, bonding offers incredible convenience as the procedure can be completed during just one visit to our SW Portland dental office.
During a bonding procedure, Dr. Hoang applies a tooth-colored resin to the surface of a patient's tooth. Dr. Hoang can then shape the resin to blend in with the surrounding teeth and dramatically improve a patient's smile.
Teeth Whitening
Just one look at the difference teeth whitening treatments can make to brighten up a patient's smile and it's easy to understand why whitening has quickly become the most popular cosmetic procedure in the U.S.
At Terwilliger Dental, we offer in-office whitening treatments that enable patients to quickly receive the brighter smile they've been wanting while under the safe supervision of Dr. Hoang. Our in-office whitening treatments use a prescription gels that's far more effective whitening than what's available over-the-counter, and you see the results in a single visit.
If you want to brighten your teeth and restore confidence in your smile, call us to schedule a teeth whitening session during your next appointment.

Restorative Dental Care

Dental Crowns
Dental crowns work to protect teeth weakened by dental decay or disease by providing a "cap" that protects the delicate tooth beneath. Crowns can also be attached to a dental implant to serve the role as a replacement tooth, providing the stability and function of a natural tooth.
Dental crowns make an excellent option for any patient who needs to:
- Protect a tooth weakened by dental decay
- Cap a dental implant
- Cover a tooth that received root canal treatment
Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Unlike the rest of our teeth that develop during childhood, wisdom teeth form as a third set of molars, and emerge in young adults between the ages of 17 to 25. While some patients may have their wisdom teeth develop with no complications, however many will encounter difficulties with their wisdom teeth and will require their removal.
Most patients have their wisdom teeth removed due to reasons that include:
- Impacted teeth. Wisdom teeth may not have the room needed to fully form. When unable to emerge from the gum line properly, wisdom teeth can become trapped under the gums or in the jawbone, causing serious discomfort.
- Not enough space. If the jaw doesn't have the room for additional teeth and the wisdom teeth do emerge, they can cause a patient's other teeth to move or shift and become too crowded.
- Incorrect angle. It's not uncommon for wisdom teeth to emerge at incorrect angles from the gum line. if they grow at improper angels, wisdom teeth can cause neighboring teeth to move or shift out of position.

Scaling and Root Planing
For patients with advanced gum disease, scaling and root planing may be necessary to deeply clean a patient's teeth below the gum line.
As gum disease progresses, pockets can develop at the base of the teeth which can force the gum line to pull away from the tooth. Harmful oral bacteria can buildup in these pockets contributing to disease progression. If these pockets of bacteria are not treated and cleaned it could lead to tooth loss and the eventual deterioration of the jaw bone.
During a scaling and root planing procedure Dr. Hoang removes all the bacteria from above and below the gum line. To prevent further buildup, Dr. Hoang will then smooth out the roots of a patient's teeth and treat the gum tissue to help reattach to the base of the tooth. This type of procedure is vital for stopping the progression of gum disease and for enabling patients to preserve their teeth.